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The StoryBook Platform

StoryBook is optimized for mortgage market use cases and comes with an exceptionally user-friendly interface to deliver customized cuts of Agency MBS loan- and pool-level data at industry-leading speeds

macbook with mortgage load prepayment image
blue Logo of MachineSP
screenshot image of Loan prepayments software

Loan-level Analytics

Extensive set of loan-level attributes for creating loan cohorts along with the flexibility to create custom stratifications of continuous variables such as FICO, Loan Size etc.


Fast query times and an easy-to-use interface make it straightforward to purse in-depth investigations of prepayment and issuance trends. 

Pool Analytics

Historical prepayments and delinquency rates;

Pool versus Cohort comparisons; 

Float estimates; Prepayment breakouts at the loan-level for various characteristics

blue Logo of MachineSP
Screenshot of Mortgage Pool Loan data from software
blue Logo of MachineSP
Screenshot of Flash Level Mortgage data in software


Access to 4BD prepayment factors on ~900, 000 pools approximately 10-15 seconds after release. Prepayments can be viewed at the pool or cohort level; flexible and granular search function allows you to create and disaggregate custom cohorts.

We offer cost-effective annual subscription licenses that vary depending on the number of required end-users.

Enterprise licenses are also available. 

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